Water Sustainability in Canada's West: Lethbridge, July 30

From the event website:
"Climate variability, water scarcity, flooding, and the various demands of population and economic growth are influencing developers, infrastructure managers, city officials and provincial planners. Governments, industries, and community development professionals are responding to the emerging need to plan for and manage risks associated with extreme weather events, flooding, droughts and other climate related stressors on our community infrastructure systems.
This full-day workshop will provide an introduction to the drivers and trends toward low impact and green development and the "state of" municipal and provincial water and water management policy and legislation (rainwater & storm water capture, reuse, water infrastructure management), as they influence the planning and construction of provincial, municipal, and residential infrastructure-related projects."
The workshop content will include:
- climate change, variability, and adaptation
- legislation, policies, guidelines, and best practices
- LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
- low-impact development tools & technologies
- sustainability of watersheds and water balance model
For more information and to register, click here to visit the event website.
The event runs from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm in Lethbridge on July 30. The registration cost is $400, but may be subsidized for non-profit organizations and community citizens. The event is hosted by the Oldman Watershed Council and delivered by Sustainability Resources Ltd., a consulting firm. SASCI is not associated with the event in any way.