Entries in community (2)


Broadband Networks for Community Sustainability, February 28

The next event in the Town of Pincher Creek Economic Development Committee's 2013 Monthly Speaker Series will be a presentation on the importance of broadband networks for community sustainability.  These networks open vast frontiers for economic, educational, social, and other opportunities.  The speaker will be James Van Leeuwen, a consultant and entrepreneur working to advance these frontiers through initiatives like PICTURE (Putting Information and Communication Tools to Use in Rural Economies).

Where:  Town of Pincher Creek Council Chambers

When:  Thursday, February 28, 4:00 - 5:00 pm

RSVP to economic@pinchercreek.ca or 403-627-3156.


Facilitation Techniques for Community Building, February 14 (on-line)

ACE Communities (Active, Creative and Engaged Communities), an initiative of the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA), will be hosting a FREE on-line webinar, Facilitation Techniques for Community Building, on February 14, at 10:00 am.

Course overview:  "Community building happens when residents gather and talk about important aspects of their community.  Learn how to engage residents in discussions and decisions and how to gather community input and feedback.  This interactive webinar will provide an introduction to some of the popular and productive community conversation techniques."

Click here to register on-line.  There are only about five spaces left as of January 31.

For more information about the webinar and presenter, click here.