Entries in Devon (1)


SAVE THE DATE! Volunteer Program Development Workshop, September 13

Following the success of our first Volunteer Program capacity-building workshop for community service organizations (read about it here!), delivered last fall in Pincher Creek, we are planning to deliver the workshop again in the Crowsnest Pass!  

This free workshop aims to help community service organizations design and deliver a compelling volunteer program.  The workshop will explore the motivations and expectations behind volunteering, potential barriers to volunteering, and possible solutions.  The workshop also will examine the essential qualities of the volunteer experience that ensure both the volunteer and the service organization achieve meaningful outcomes.  

To deliver this program, SASCI has partnered with highly regarded Canadian consultants, Chris Jarvis and Angela Parker of Realized Worth, who specialize in providing training and hands-on involvement in the design and implementation of outstanding and sustainable volunteer programs in both the private and public sectors.  

We will run the program on Thursday September 13.  Typically, the program runs from about 9 am to 3 pm. Lunch will be provided.

We'll confirm the timing and venue closer to the day.  Meanwhile, if your community service organization or non-profit wants to do a better job of attracting committed, enthusiastic volunteers, plan to attend this workshop!  To help us in our planning, please let us know if you are interested in attending.  We hope to have as many different groups participating as possible, but there's lots of room!

For more information, to reserve a space at the workshop, or to be an event sponsor, please contact Celesa Horvath, Board Chair of SASCI, at (403) 627-9427 or clhpublic@gmail.com (our SASCI email address is currently experiencing technical difficulties!).  

This capacity-building workshop is made possible through grant funding by Devon Canada's Investing in People program.