Entries in water (4)


Source to Tap Community Conversations, February 27 - March 14

Water Matters, the Oldman Watershed Council, and SASCI are pleased to present Round 2 of the 'Source to Tap' Community Conversations.  

Building on the first round of local meetings in November and December 2012, these final sessions aim to generate proactive solutions and build support for necessary stewardship actions to protect the health of the Oldman River headwaters … for people and for the environment. We will discuss:

• What speci!c stewardship practices or actions are currently happening in the headwaters? What else is required? What are the opportunities?

• How can watershed stewardship activities be further fostered and supported to increase their effectiveness over the long term?

You are invited to attend any of the community conversations. Participants in this second round need not have attended an earlier session. Your voice is important!

Dates and locations of the sessions are provided below:

Wednesday, Feb 27: Springpoint Hall* 5:30 supper followed at 6:30 by dialogue session (RSVP to Pat Ness: 553-2625)

Thursday, Feb 28: Stavely Community Centre 5:30 supper followed at 6:30 by dialogue session (RSVP to jnbee"ady@gmail.com)

Friday, March 1: Lundbreck Hall* 5:30 supper followed at 6:30 by dialogue session (RSVP to Ted Smith 628-2004)

Wednesday, March 6: Pincher Creek,* Heritage Inn 7:00 PM

Thursday, March 7: Crowsnest Pass,* Country Encounters 7:00 PM

Tuesday, March 12: Lethbridge, Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre 7:00 PM

Wednesday, March 13: Cardston Seniors Centre 7:00 PM

Thursday, March 14: Picture Butte, Warren Kleeman Hall, Prairie Tractor and Engine Museum 7:00 PM


Integrating Water Innovation Forum, Camrose, August 9-10

From the event website:

"This Forum strives to bring together researchers, policy actors and representatives from specific watersheds to bring greater clarity and collaborative capacity to collectively recognizing:

(1) the multiple dynamics and functions that complicate watershed-level analyses, programming and public policy;

(2) the need to acknowledge and work within watersheds in a fashion that acknowledge integrative watershed management and planning;

(3) the need to better and more clearly address a core issue of both horizontal (across policy domains) and vertical (across levels of authority or governance) integration that is often acknowledged rheotorically, but is rarely and explicitly included in policy-making and programming in Canada."

For more information and to register, click here to visit the event website.

The event will run from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on August 9 and 10 in Camrose, Alberta.  Registration is $47.62 per person, maximum 50 people.


Water Sustainability in Canada's West: Lethbridge, July 30

From the event website:

"Climate variability, water scarcity, flooding, and the various demands of population and economic growth are influencing developers, infrastructure managers, city officials and provincial planners.  Governments, industries, and community development professionals are responding to the emerging need to plan for and manage risks associated with extreme weather events, flooding, droughts and other climate related stressors on our community infrastructure systems.

This full-day workshop will provide an introduction to the drivers and trends toward low impact and green development and the "state of" municipal and provincial water and water management policy and legislation (rainwater & storm water capture, reuse, water infrastructure management), as they influence the planning and construction of provincial, municipal, and residential infrastructure-related projects."

The workshop content will include:

- climate change, variability, and adaptation

- legislation, policies, guidelines, and best practices

- LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

- low-impact development tools & technologies

- sustainability of watersheds and water balance model

For more information and to register, click here to visit the event website.

The event runs from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm in Lethbridge on July 30.  The registration cost is $400, but may be subsidized for non-profit organizations and community citizens.  The event is hosted by the Oldman Watershed Council and delivered by Sustainability Resources Ltd., a consulting firm.  SASCI is not associated with the event in any way.




Water Workshops


Sustainability Resources Ltd. is hosting some upcoming workshops and seminars dealing with water issues that might be of interest to stakeholders in southwest Alberta.

These include:

Water Conservation Toolkit, November 21st, 8:30am - noon (Red Deer)

Water for Life and the Land Use Framework, December 7th, 1-4pm (Edmonton)

One Water - Managing Water as an Integrated System, December 13th, 1-4pm (Calgary)

For more information about these sessions and to register, click here.