Strengthening Volunteer Boards Workshop

The Town of Pincher Creek Parks, Recreation and Community Services and Board Development Program (Alberta Culture & Tourism) will be hosting a workshop on Strengthening Volunteer Boards.
Would you like to enhance your skills as a Board Member?
As a board member of a not-for-profit organization, have you ever wondered…
- What are my legal and ethical responsibilities?
- What role do I play in governing our organization?
- How can our board organize its work and fairly and efficiently to avoid volunteer and staff burnout?
- How can we develop policies that will help us make consistent decisions?
- How can we encourage teamwork between the board and staff?
Attend by yourself or with another member of the board. (Please note that workshop content will focus on incorporated not-for-profit organizations.) Limit of 3 board members per organization please.
Date: October 14, 2017 8:30 – 4:30 pm |
Fee: $15.00/person includes lunch |
Pre-registration required by October 1, 2017 Online HERE or Recreation Office Please click on the above link, fill out the form and email it to Rhonda |
Location: Town Council Chambers |

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