Foothills Restoration Forum Fall Information Session, November 16

The 11th annual Foothills Restoration Forum fall information session gathers a variety of industry and grassland stakeholders to exchange current information on grassland restoration and conservation through ‘open mic’ project updates and mini presentations. Featured presentations on the DRAFT agenda are:
- A Thousand Years of Variability in Grassland Climate - Drs. David Sauchyn and Mary Vetter
- Agriculture in the Crossroads of Grassland Loss and Restoration - Dr. Marian Weber, Innotech Alberta
- Grassland Management in the Municipal District of Taber- Brian Peers
- Producer Management and Industrial Disturbance Influences on Grassland Seed Banks in Alberta – Lysandra Pile, PhD candidate
- Conservation Assessments - When and Where They Apply – Amanda Miller, AEP
- Siting Renewable Energy Projects to Protect Wildlife Habitat – Kristin Cline, AEP
- Reclamation Requirements for Renewables – An Update- Susan McGillivray, AEP
- Certificates of Analysis versus Certified Seed - What is the difference?
If you wish to provide a five minute update on perspectives, experiences, sustainability, or restoration initiatives please contact Donna at There are a few table/booth spaces available if you have educational or relevant materials that you wish to display.
Cost for the day’s event is:
Early bird rate: (by October 22) $65.00 per person After October 22: $85.00 per person.
Students and agricultural producers: $40 per person.
Fees include the ‘traditional’ welcome cinnamon rolls, a catered lunch, and plenty of opportunity to visit and network. Doors open at 8 am with presentations from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.
The event will be held at the Claresholm Community Centre, 5920 8th Street West, Claresholm, AB.
Register online at to secure your spot, or contact Donna at this email address ( to make other arrangements for payment.
SASCI is a proud supporter of the Foothills Restoration Forum.
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