Volunteer Program Development Workshop, September 22

On Thursday, September 22nd, SASCI will be hosting a free workshop aimed at helping community service organizations to design and deliver a compelling volunteer program. The workshop will explore the motivations and expectations behind volunteering, potential barriers to volunteering, and possible solutions. The workshop will also include an examination of the essential qualities of the volunteer experience that ensure both the volunteer and the service organization achieve meaningful outcomes. Finally, participants will work through a design process in which these learnings are applied to the real-world situation in their home organizations.
To deliver this program, SASCI has partnered with highly regarded Canadian consultants, Chris Jarvis and Angela Parker of Realized Worth (http://realizedworth.blogspot.com/), who specialize in providing training and hands-on involvement in the design and implementation of outstanding and sustainable volunteer programs in both the private and public sectors.
Space is limited in this workshop; to engage as many community service organizations as possible, we may limit participation to one individual per organization. The workshop will be held in Pincher Creek, but organizations from other parts of southwest Alberta are welcome to participate. The workshop will run from 9 am to 3 pm; lunch will be provided. Additional details will be provided soon to registered participants.
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, or if you would like more information, contact Celesa Horvath at chorvath@sasci.ca or the SASCI office at (403) 627-1750.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact David Green at the SASCI office.
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