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Wind Energy Day Camp for Kids - August 18

Lethbridge College is hosting a Wind Energy Day Camp for Kids as part of its continuing education program.

This 'green' camp is a full day of learning, interaction, games, crafts, and fun! Learn how wind energy is created and why it is important. Kids will get excited about wind energy and have a chance to create a little wind energy of their own! Campers will also walk away with information on how to make their own environments 'greener' through little changes they can make at home, at school, and other places in their neighborhoods.

Lunch and snacks provided.

Time: 8:30-4:15 (flexible drop-off and pick-up dates)

Cost: $25 per kid

Ages: 8-11 years old

To register, please call 403.317.3544 or 403.320.3319

Here's a link to Lethbridge College's Continuing Education event page.

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