What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in Alberta (4)


Alberta earmarks $9M for protection of ranchlands and watersheds

The province is doling out almost $9 million among several non-profit groups devoted to protecting Alberta ranchlands and watersheds.

The funding from the Alberta Land Trust Grant Program will go toward six projects in southern Alberta, the province announced Monday.

Read the full article on CBC.ca here.

Public Input invited on Proposed Protection of the Castle

To achieve enhanced protection of the Castle Special Management Area in southwest Alberta, the Government of Alberta will amend the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan to designate the Castle area under Alberta Parks’ legislation. 

Alberta Parks is inviting the public to provide input - comments, suggestions, concerns - about the proposed amendment.

More information about the proposed amendment, including maps of the proposed protected areas and how to provide public input, is available on line here (http://www.albertaparks.ca/albertaparksca/about-us/public-consultations/archives/enhancing-the-protection-of-the-castle-area.aspx).

Public input is due by October 5th, 2015!

Separate aboriginal consultation will follow the Government of Alberta’s First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development and associated Guidelines.


Province to announce enhanced protection of Castle wilderness area

From the Calgary Herald:

"Following decades of lobbying for a provincial park in the Castle wilderness area, the province’s NDP government will Friday make good on its campaign pledge to better protect the iconic area in southern Alberta."

For the full story, click here.


Alberta's river basin management plan under fire

The release of internal government documents has raised doubts about Alberta's river basin management plan. Apparently, Alberta government officials knew their plan to manage southern Alberta rivers could damage aquatic life, but they went ahead with it anyway.  Moreover, federal fisheries officials disagreed with the lack of conservation measures Alberta had set out but, said nothing publicly.

Read more in this Lethbridge Herald article from September 1, 2011.