What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in protected area (3)


Draft Management Plan for Castle Parks Available for Public Comment

The Government of Alberta today announced the establishment of the boundaries of the expanded Castle Wildland Park and the new Castle Provincial Park.  In addition, the Government issued the draft management plan for the parks for public review and comment until March 20.  The draft management plan can be downloaded here: https://talkaep.alberta.ca/CastleManagementPlan 

There is also a link to an on-line survey for submitting comments and information about other ways to submit your comments on the plan. 


Alberta moves to protect vast Castle wilderness area

"The Castle — an area of mountains, foothills, wetlands and prairie — is to be divided into a provincial park with full camping facilities and a wildland park with only limited backcountry camping. Both have the same level of protection."
For the full article in the Calgary Herald, click here.

Province to announce enhanced protection of Castle wilderness area

From the Calgary Herald:

"Following decades of lobbying for a provincial park in the Castle wilderness area, the province’s NDP government will Friday make good on its campaign pledge to better protect the iconic area in southern Alberta."

For the full story, click here.