What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in southern Alberta (3)


Alberta earmarks $9M for protection of ranchlands and watersheds

The province is doling out almost $9 million among several non-profit groups devoted to protecting Alberta ranchlands and watersheds.

The funding from the Alberta Land Trust Grant Program will go toward six projects in southern Alberta, the province announced Monday.

Read the full article on CBC.ca here.

Extreme prairie weather focus of university study

A University of Regina researcher and his team will spend the next five years in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan learning about the extreme weather that has become a norm in these parts of the country.  The research will also look at whether global warming is potentially to blame for the droughts and floods that have destroyed farmers' crops over the years.

Read more in this Calgary Herald article from August 13, 2011.


Alberta linguist paying more than lip service to Prairie accent

Nicole Rosen, an associate professor of modern languages at the University of Lethbridge, is seeking 150 southern Alberta speakers in a bid to study the West's raised vowels and other linguistic quirks.  She hopes to glean insight into a heretofore little-studied accent — western Canadian.

Study participants will be offered a $15 honorarium in exchange for an hour of their time.  They'll be asked to read a list of words and a block of text before engaging in an interview.  

Read more in this article from the Ottawa Citizen (August 3, 2011).

Here's a link to the University of Lethbridge's Directory, where you can get Ms. Rosen's contact information.