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Integrating Water Innovation Forum, Camrose, August 9-10

From the event website:

"This Forum strives to bring together researchers, policy actors and representatives from specific watersheds to bring greater clarity and collaborative capacity to collectively recognizing:

(1) the multiple dynamics and functions that complicate watershed-level analyses, programming and public policy;

(2) the need to acknowledge and work within watersheds in a fashion that acknowledge integrative watershed management and planning;

(3) the need to better and more clearly address a core issue of both horizontal (across policy domains) and vertical (across levels of authority or governance) integration that is often acknowledged rheotorically, but is rarely and explicitly included in policy-making and programming in Canada."

For more information and to register, click here to visit the event website.

The event will run from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on August 9 and 10 in Camrose, Alberta.  Registration is $47.62 per person, maximum 50 people.

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