Other News and Developments of Interest

Entries in Alberta Land Stewardship Act (3)


Alberta Land Stewardship Act amended

Amendments to the Alberta Land Stewardship Act, passed May 10 in the Legislative Assembly.

From the press release:

"The Act clarifies the original intent of the legislation, adding a clear statement that government must respect the property and other rights of individuals. It also makes it clear that the Act does not limit any existing rights to compensation, respects all existing appeal provisions in Alberta legislation and that land titles and freehold mineral rights were never included in the definition of statutory consents."

To read the press release, which includes highlights of the Alberta Land Stewardship Amendment Act, click here.




Amended land-use Act addresses landowner concerns

Earlier this week, the Government of Alberta introduced Bill 10, the Alberta Land Stewardship Amendment Act, "to clarify the original intent of the legislation - to plan for the future needs of Albertans and manage growth, while respecting existing property rights. 

Bill 10, the Alberta Land Stewardship Amendment Act will create a review process for people who believe they are directly and adversely affected by a regional plan. It will also require public consultation during planning and that draft regional plans be provided to the Legislature before being approved."

Read the press release and the Backgrounder summarizing the highlights of Bill 10 here.

You can view the Bill here.

Click here for a Globe and Mail article on the proposed amendments and property rights debate.


Stelmach plans to review contentious land-use laws

In the face of growing landowner concern about property rights, Premier Stelmach committed to review Bill 36, the Alberta Land Stewardship Act, and Bill 19, the Land Assembly Project Area Act, two controversial laws passed by the Tory government in 2009.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Stelmach+plans+review+contentious+land+laws/4107682/story.html#ixzz1BbmIysdx