Other News and Developments of Interest

Entries in Alberta (4)


Alberta Land Stewardship Act amended

Amendments to the Alberta Land Stewardship Act, passed May 10 in the Legislative Assembly.

From the press release:

"The Act clarifies the original intent of the legislation, adding a clear statement that government must respect the property and other rights of individuals. It also makes it clear that the Act does not limit any existing rights to compensation, respects all existing appeal provisions in Alberta legislation and that land titles and freehold mineral rights were never included in the definition of statutory consents."

To read the press release, which includes highlights of the Alberta Land Stewardship Amendment Act, click here.




Premier's Council for Economic Strategy: Shaping Alberta's Future

On May 5, 2011, the Premier's Council for Economic Strategy released its report, Shaping Alberta's Future.

From the release:

"It includes an important call to all Albertans, outlining broad direction on important themes for our future: broadening the economy, realizing the full potential of our energy resources, preparing the province and Albertans for a global economy, and investing in the future. The report also provides thoughts on how to ensure the province has a strong platform - fiscally, environmentally and with respect to infrastructure - to sustain economic growth. Under each of the five themes, the council outlines some thought-provoking ‘flagship’ initiatives, which Albertans will need time to study and consider moving forward."

Click here to access the Premier's website and links to the full report, the executive summary, and additional resources.


GeoDiscover Alberta - new geospatial database launched


The Government of Alberta has launched the new GeoDiscover Alberta spatial database portal, providing access to more than 140 layers of free land-related data and services.

The GeoDiscover Alberta portal provides "a single window to search and find the credible, up-to-date information needed to better manage activities on the landscape and is the most comprehensive program of its kind in Alberta. The data and map services come from various Alberta government ministries and agencies and include:

  • Administrative Boundaries (provincial boundary, electoral divisions, Land-use Framework Regions)
  • Alberta Township System (ATS)
  • Access (major highways, secondary highways/roads, cutlines)
  • Cadastral (urban and rural)
  • Mineral Agreements (petroleum and natural gas, oil sands, metallic and industrial minerals, coal)
  • Utilities (pipelines, power lines and access facilities)
  • Land-Use Management
  • First Nations land
  • Parks and protected areas
  • Land-use Framework regional planning maps and data

Sharing geospatial information will enhance land and resource stewardship and improve service delivery to Albertans. For example, Land-use Framework planners can access information through GeoDiscover Alberta to shape regional plans. Sharing data also brings time and cost savings—users don’t have to look in multiple places for information. Please visit the GeoDiscover Alberta portal www.geodiscoveralberta.ca to explore the data and services, training materials and frequently asked questions. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the portal, please take the time to complete the feedback survey so we can make the portal even better to suit your needs. This is just the beginning, and GeoDiscover Alberta will evolve with time. Current partners include the departments of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development as well as the Land Use Secretariat and Energy Resources Conservation Board. As more ministries and agencies join GeoDiscover Alberta, there will be more information and tools available for all sectors."


Stelmach plans to review contentious land-use laws

In the face of growing landowner concern about property rights, Premier Stelmach committed to review Bill 36, the Alberta Land Stewardship Act, and Bill 19, the Land Assembly Project Area Act, two controversial laws passed by the Tory government in 2009.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Stelmach+plans+review+contentious+land+laws/4107682/story.html#ixzz1BbmIysdx