Foothills Restoration Forum Information Session, November 19th

The fourth annual Foothills Restoration Forum fall information session will be held on Friday, November 19th at the Maycroft Community Hall, west of Highway 22 at the crossing of the Oldman River.
The theme for the 2010 Information Session is "The Importance of Long term Monitoring and Native Plant Community Succession."
Cost for the day’s event is $20.00 per person which includes lunch, ‘traditional’ cinnamon rolls, and plenty of opportunity to visit while sharing information and experiences.
A detailed agenda, registration information, map and accommodation possibilities will be circulated soon, but in the meantime please mark November 19th on your calendar and take a sneak peek at some of the featured presentations for this year:
- An update on ongoing fescue grassland research at the U of A will be provided by Peggy Desserud and Steve Tannas.
- Laura Hickman, recently successful Masters degree candidate, U of C Department of Environmental Design, will provide a synopsis of her thesis entitled "Reclamation Outcomes on Energy Disturbances in Silver Sagebrush Communities".
- Jane Lancaster of Kestrel Research Inc. will give an overview of the Kinder Morgan Express Pipeline long term vegetation monitoring project conducted the summer of 2010.
- Dave Novak of TERA Environmental Consultants will give a presentation on the Kinder Morgan Anchor Pipeline project constructed through Jasper National Park.
- Update on Grassland Reclamation Criteria training sessions and Grassland Vegetation Inventory.
- Stewardship Initiative Profiles from the Ranching Community.
The Forum website will provide more detailed information as it becomes available including online registration for the forum:
If you are interested in contributing to the day’s program please contact: Marilyn Neville, FRF Coordinator at 403-628-2354 or email to