Nature Conservancy of Canada's 7th annual Eat and Greet, January 28

The Nature Conservancy of Canada will host their 7th annual Eat and Greet on Friday, January 28th, 2011, at the Waterton Community Hall.
5 pm: Socialize and Enjoy Complimentary Beef-on-a-bun Dinner
catered by Twin Butte Country Restaurant
6-8 pm: Guest Speakers and Discussion on Our Changing World: the Future of Rural Landscapes.
Including presentations on Our Past and Future Climate and The Chief Mountain Cumulative Effects Study.
Also, view repeat photographs taken in SW Alberta ~1914 and 2004.
Waterton Community Hall is located in Waterton Town site, next to the fire hall on Fountain Avenue (from first stop sign in town, turn left, then take the first right). A national park entry pass is not required at this time of year.
For details, contact Kim Pearson at 403.859.2218 (