Becoming a Community Builder

We are pleased to announce that the Pincher Creek region has been selected as a Lighthouse Community for Becoming A Community Builder (BACB).
BACB is the initiative of philanthropist and community builder Ian Hill, a name familiar to many volunteers in our community. Ian is the person behind Let Them Be Kids, a philanthropic program that helped finance the new playground at St. Michael's School.
Ian has produced the following video to support promotion of BACB throughout the town and district of Pincher Creek, Cowley, Waterton Park, and Piikani Reserve:
We invite and encourage your participation in this program. The BACB program will deliver 15 weeks of leadership training to any adult or youth in our community, free of charge. The program is very flexible to accommodate those who cannot attend sessions in person, so you can follow along at your own pace.
The program will commence October 18th, in twenty Lighthouse Communities around rural Alberta.
To participate, please register before October 18th at
We sincerely hope you will be able to participate in this exciting and timely initiative. The more of us that participate, the richer and more numerous the outcomes and the greater the impact on the present and future well-being of our community.
If you have questions, please call James Van Leeuwen at 403-627-8427.
If you can think of others in our community who would be interested in Becoming A Community Builder, please forward this information to them with some encouragement of your own.