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Fundraising Capacity-Building Workshops begin May 1st!

Our communities rely on non-profit community service organizations to deliver a wide range of environmental and social services not otherwise provided by municipal, provincial, or federal governments.  These organizations all depend on funding to cover operating and project expenses.  The capacity of these organizations to deliver essential services is directly tied to their capacity to effectively raise funds.  To promote the long-term sustainability of non-profit community service organizations in southwest Alberta, SASCI is delivering an in-depth fundraising capacity-building program comprising a series of workshops aimed at key aspects of fundraising.

The program kicks off on May 1st with a half-day introductory session that will set the stage for subsequent workshops on specific fundraising topics to be held in May and June.  Our currently scheduled sessions are described below.

Session 1:  Run With the Big Dogs

Wednesday, May 1, 1:00 – 4:30 pm 

Becoming a registered charity is not difficult, and opens a wide world of potential donors to any good cause. The rules are simple and clear, but firm. And, believe it or not, Canada Revenue Agency is your friend.

Presenter(s): TBD 

Session 2 – Why Should I Give You Money?

Wednesday, May 15

Your case for support should be clear, short, and compelling. A successful campaign professional outlines the keys to making your case.

Presenter: Dr. Charlotte S. Caton has a broad understanding of what appeals to donors. Her experience includes leading the development function for University of Lethbridge, the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta, and a lead role in raising funds for the Crossings Branch of the Lethbridge Public Library.

Session 3:  Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places

Wednesday, June 5, 1:00 – 4:30 pm

80% of donations in Canada come from individuals. Move beyond corporate gifts and special events to where the real money is. This session will also look at gifts in kind, and deferred gifts such as bequests. 

Presenter: John Webster Hochstadt has worked with some of the largest – and smallest – charities across Canada to raise money from a broad spectrum of donors and funders.  He has lived in Twin Butte for the past 20 years.

Session 4 – Connect the Dots

Wednesday, June 12, 1:00 – 5:00 pm

Granting agencies have their own goals and objectives. Successful grant applications are based on understanding how to express your organizationʼs requirements in terms consistent with the operating guidelines of the funding agencies.

Presenters: Jane Brenner is Executive Director of Taber and District Community Adult Learning and the Regional Leader for the Community Learning Network in southern Alberta. She has years of experience writing proposals at the federal and provincial level, and will share her expertise with participants.  George Hall is Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta, which receives hundreds of grant applications from our area and region. Most are not successful. He will illustrate how successful applications are developed, and will also explain the role of the community foundation in receiving and managing large or complex donations on behalf of smaller organizations.

Participation in the program is free and open to representatives of non-profit community service organizations and charities in southwest Alberta. 

All sessions will be held at the Ramada Inn in Pincher Creek.  Refreshments will be served.

To learn more about this program and to register for one or all of the sessions, please contact our manager, David Green, at sasci@telus.net or 403-627-1750.  Venue details will be provided to registered participants.

We also welcome event sponsors to help cover venue and catering costs and volunteers to help run the sessions – our sponsors and volunteers are valued partners who help us help our community!  

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