Conflict Resolution Workshop, March 6, Pincher Creek

SASCI will be hosting a Conflict Resolution workshop on March 6 at the Ramada Inn in Pincher Creek. This workshop will explore interest-based problem solving and skills development through interactive work and role playing.
The workshop will run from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm; lunch and information materials will be provided.
Space is limited for this workshop, so please contact SASCI as early as possible to confirm your registration! Participation is free, thanks to SASCI's project funding from the Government of Alberta's Rural Community Adaptation Program grant.
This workshop is part of SASCI's ongoing series of capacity-building for community service organizations in our community, and is open to participants from southwest Alberta, from Nanton south to the US border and Highway 2 west to the BC border.
For more information or to reserve a space in the workshop, call 403-627-1750 or email
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