What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in magnetite (2)


Micrex magnetite mine proposal to undergo detailed review 

The provincial government will refer Micrex's application to build a magnetite quarry in the Livingstone mountain range, about 200 kilometres southwest of Calgary, to the Natural Resources Conservation Board.  The NRCB will determine if the project is in the public interest by considering its social, economic and environmental effects.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/technology/Magnetite+mine+proposal+undergo+detailed+review/4619066/story.html#ixzz1KGxA5MIu


Life along the Livingstone

Glen Crawford and Sid Marty have produced a video showcasing some landowner perspectives about Micrex Corporation's proposed magnetite mine near Burmis.  View the video on vimeo here or on YouTube here