What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in Land Use Secretariat (1)


Consultation on South Saskatchewan Regional Plan underway

Phase 2 of public consultation on the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is now underway. 

The public is invited to share their views on the Regional Advisory Council's Advice to the Government of Alberta for the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, using a workbook provided by the Land Use Secretariat.  The RAC recommended a vision for the region and strategic principles to guide land use decisions.  The RAC also provided recommendations related to achieving a healthy economy, ecosystem, and communities.  

The workbook can be completed on-line or printed and submitted by mail.  Comments are due by December 19th.

Click here to download the RAC's Advice document (4.85 MB PDF).

Click here to access the on-line workbook.

Click here to download the workbook PDF (about 1.7 MB).

Click here to access the Land Use Secretariat's site for more information about the planning process, the RAC, and the region.

Public information sessions will be held in communities across the region in the fall of 2011.  We'll post dates and venues here when this information becomes available.