What's Happening in Southwest Alberta?

Entries in disturbance (1)


Global Forest Watch Canada releases draft Castle report for review

The following is excerpted from Global Forest Watch Canada's (GFWC) website (http://globalforestwatch.ca/node/257).  Land users in southwest Alberta may be interested in the content of this report and may wish to participate in the public comment opportunity offered.  

"GFWC is pleased to release for review its draft reportDisturbance, Intactness, and Linear Density in the Castle Wilderness Area of AlbertaGFWC has sent the review to a number of experts but welcomes feedback from anyone who would like to review the report. 

To facilitate the review of datasets created for this report, GFWC has posted the datasets online on Data Basin (databasin.org). In order to view the linear disturbance and intact forest landscapes mapping datasets, you may create a free account at https://databasin.org/auth/create_account. Once you have an account, please send an email to review@globalforestwatch.ca to request access to the GFWC Castle review materials. Once in the GFWC Castle workspace, you can layer the datasets in a map and turn the datasets on and off to review them.

Review comments are due by August 18, 2016 and should be sent to review@globalforestwatch.ca.  Thank you in advance."