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AUC rejects AltaLink transmission line proposal

The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) has turned down a proposal by AltaLink to construct a transmission line from the Pincher Creek area to the proposed Chapel Rock substation at the interconnection with the existing 500 kV north-south line west of Highway 22.  The project is part of the Southern Alberta Transmission Reinforcement initiative.

Click here to link to a story in the Lethbridge Herald from Saturday, December 3rd. 

Click here to read the story in the Pincher Creek Voice.  This story includes a link to a copy of the Decision on the Livingstone Landowners Group website.  The decision is not yet posted on the AUC website, but should soon be available here.  Watch for Decision 2011-468.

Click here to access project information on AltaLink's website. 


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