Policy Number: 09-003
Policy Title: Membership Policy
Date First Passed: May 21, 2009 (pending a change to the by-laws, which occurred on November 19, 2009)
Date(s) Amended: January 21, 2010
This policy pertains to membership in SASCI.
General SASCI membership is open to any agency, department, organization, company, individual, or group of individuals that or who have an interest in the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of southwest Alberta, and that or who share the vision of SASCI.
Membership in SASCI is renewable annually in each calendar year, upon payment of the membership fee, which is established from time to time by the Board.
Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so by providing written notice to the Board through the Secretary.
Any member in arrears for fees for any year shall be automatically suspended at the expiration of six months from the end of such year, and shall thereafter be entitled to no membership privileges or powers in the Society until reinstated. Any member, upon a majority vote of all members in good standing, may be expelled from membership for any cause the Society may deem reasonable.
Individual members (or, in the case where membership is held by an agency, department, organization, company, or group of individuals, a designated representative of the member) in good standing may vote at the Annual General Meeting and at any duly constituted meeting of the membership.
Any individual member (or, in the case where membership is held by an agency, department, organization, company, or group of individuals, a designated representative of the member) in good standing may be elected by the membership to the Board of Directors.
Members in good standing are entitled to receive any electronic newsletters or other notices issued by SASCI from time to time, provided current contact information has been provided. For greater clarity, SASCI is not obliged to distribute any newsletters or other notices or publications in hard copy, but will make these available at the SASCI office for review by any member.
Membership in SASCI confers no right to the use of the SASCI logo, nor to identify oneself as a Sponsor or Supporter of SASCI, such terms being subject to specific policies issued by the Society.